Before Gold, Before a Gate: Reality Green, Forever Blue
by Jerry Dale McDonnnell©2013 Published in Over the Transom #24, 2014 He said he was an Indian, American Indian. It was San Francisco. North Beach. Said he lived here. His family born here. Had lived here for generations long before the Spanish gold seekers trekking north stumbled on to it. Before any sailors of yore found the entrance to San Francisco Bay. Aye matey, North Beach, once the old Barbary Coast, shanghaiing skippers, wheelers, dealers, hookers and snookers. Why the hell not an Indian? Davy was skeptical of most things. He trusted tides and sudden squalls more than people. “He looks Indian, but he may be just bullshitting us for the beer,” Davy said one eye closed, first finger pointing at the Indian We’d been buying the beer. I wanted to hear this Indian’s story. It was almost November. A couple of days before the crab season opened. Davy and I had our boat docked in Sausalito ready to sail. Crab pots, 120 of them, on the deck, ready to set. A Wednesday night...